
HundRegular deworming should be an important measure for pet owners. This is a matter of course for many, because you love your four-legged friend and want him to stay healthy and well. In recent years, however, the risk of worm infection has increased in many dogs. There are various reasons for this, on the one hand climate change also contributes here, because the worms are offered better chances of survival. Warmer temperatures and higher humidity also bring better breeding conditions. (more…)


Dog-CarDogs sometimes cause stress in the car, they pant, salivate, bark and tremble. You should get your four-legged friend used to it at an early stage, proceed very slowly and give him security in the car. For example, getting him used to a box at home where he has support and feels safe. Once you’ve done that, you get him used to the pits in the car, but you should also proceed slowly and carefully. The training is the same as that to the back seat or the trunk.



Overweight-DogThe dog’s weight is an individual matter from the owner’s perspective. Sometimes, and with some breeds, it is difficult to see whether the dog is still at a normal weight. But action must be taken at the latest when you do the rib test. If the rib can no longer be felt because the layer of fat is too thick, the four-legged friend has to lose weight. You can use the bathroom scales to determine how much needs to go down. Weigh the dog and compare the weight with the recommended guidelines for the respective breed. (more…)


hund-gartenzaunIf you have a garden, you definitely make sure that there is a fence. Sometimes that’s not the case, as an invisible garden fence has recently been offered! It consists of a cable, base station and receiver that the dog carries. Only flags indicating the fence are visible. If the dog approaches the fence, it will be warned with a beep. If it continues to run anyway, there is a current impulse that increases as it continues to run. This system is stated to learn and average the current based on the data. (more…)


hund-hauswachterThere are dogs that like to bark when the doorbell rings. This can have many reasons, it can be a warning, a threat, a happy greeting, an invitation to play or an expression of stress. Some dogs bark out of boredom and to get attention. Barking at the front door is usually used to defend territory. The dog knows that every time the doorbell rings, there is an intruder at the door. You can even tell the dog’s mood by the tone of the bark. Fearful dogs bark at a higher pitch than confident dogs. Deep barking appears threatening to strangers, which is why many dogs take advantage of it when someone is at the door. Ultimately, it’s a matter of education. (more…)

01 Dec 2017

hund-menschWas viele Menschen nicht wissen oder nicht beachten – Hunde, die uns nahe stehen, spiegeln uns oft wieder. Sie erkennen unsere Stimmungen und riechen sogar ob es uns gut oder schlecht geht! Aber sie merken auch, wenn wir ihnen etwas vormachen wollen. Da stellt sich die Frage wie der geliebte Vierbeiner das wohl hinbekommt? (more…)


hund-educationEveryone wants a dog that is well trained. A wide variety of educational aids are offered to help achieve this goal. It’s difficult to find out which ones are really suitable. The dog whistle, for example, is helpful. It makes sense to use this as a recall signal. It always sounds the same and reveals nothing about the human state of mind. (more…)

24 Nov 2017

hund-streunerYou immediately think that this only happens when people are not busy enough with their dog and the dog then feels underchallenged. People become uninteresting to him, so he looks for happiness elsewhere. But that’s not always true, some dogs are simply insatiable. You play with him, go for long walks often, devote yourself to training the dog and there’s a lot going on at home. Nevertheless: if the dog sees an open door, he’s gone. They are often hyperactive dogs who run after every adventure. Often the only thing that really helps is an escape-proof fence and a watchful eye. Sometimes the vet can prescribe a remedy or the animal health practitioner can help with Bach flowers. (more…)


hund-schlauWhen we humans try to judge the mental abilities of dogs or other animals, we quickly make a huge error in our thinking. We base this solely on human standards and ideas. It is pretended that there are only forms of human intelligence. Every single species, be it dolphins, butterflies or our dogs, have developed their own form of intelligence. This arose under the pressure of evolution as an adaptation process. This is how a species ensures its survival. So if we support dogs and observe them during tests, we will also get to know a new world. This gives us a better understanding of how dogs’ world and perception work. Also why they make decisions in certain situations. (more…)

Hund Bandscheibenvorfall

hund-stressIt has been proven that dogs, like us humans, can suffer from typical everyday stress. There is obesity, allergies, back and joint problems, which have a negative impact on the dog’s well-being. Muscle tension also often occurs. These can have many causes, not just psychological stress, but also incorrect and excessive stress. This can sometimes be a harness that is not on properly or a collar that is causing problems. It doesn’t always have to be a disease of the joints, spine or internal organs. Muscle tension is manifested by local pain. The body reacts unconsciously by tensing the muscles, which are intended to protect and stabilize the body. If there is long-term tension, the muscles become tense and hardened. The muscles can also become shortened, which is also very painful. This is an ugly cycle that definitely needs to be addressed. (more…)