
hund-waschenSome dogs are right to be upset when they are bathed, treated with trendy shampoo and blow dried. You should also think about this for the sake of the fur. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised if your dog is offended and sad. Why? A normal dog would never take a shampoo bath in the wild. And what smells good to us can stink to the dog’s nose.


11 Sep 2017
ein laechelnder Hund

a smiling dogAnyone who thinks that dogs can’t laugh because they don’t have a sense of humor should quickly be proven wrong. Because that’s not true, dogs can be real jokers and funny companions. You just have to be careful sometimes when dogs start to smile: their lips go up, the corners of their mouth pull back and the tips of their teeth flash. They show this when they are satisfied, feel good and also when they are happy. So they probably have a sense of humor and can show their sweet smile in some situations.



DogfurWho If you value dogs and cats as roommates, you should care for them properly. Especially in summer, heat and moisture build up under the fur, especially if pets have long hair and go swimming a lot. The build-up of temperature increases the risk of skin infections with bacteria or yeast fungi. That’s why grooming is so important.


Junger Hund

Young DogThe cause is usually as follows: Dogs who were left alone too quickly and for too long as puppies have difficulty getting used to being alone in their new home. This fear is particularly common among dogs that come from animal welfare. Past life certainly also plays a role. They don’t immediately understand that their master or mistress will come back, they are simply afraid and have no trust. Some four-legged friends even panic, which can even be life-threatening for them.


Hund Nährstoffe

Dogs love snacks

Treats are also important for the dog as a tasty treat. However, they are apparently even more important for the dog owner. There are situations where you want to achieve something with your dog and that can easily be achieved by praising the food. It’s also good for the owner if the animal is happy about the treat. Some snacks are like chewing bones, which give the dog something to do. But are all snacks really healthy for dogs?


11 Jul 2017
Hund Unterwerfung

Dog SubjugationYou shouldn’t think so, bullying is not uncommon, not only among loved ones, but also among dogs. There are different reasons why a dog is bullied. It’s usually about highly sensitive dogs who are therefore viewed as weak by other dogs. These dogs usually endure all pressure, lie on their backs and show no resistance. Other dogs recognize a potential victim of bullying very quickly.


22 Jun 2017
Hund Strand Urlaub

Dog Beach VacationA few tips for vacationing with your dog that we think are very interesting and helpful. Choosing a holiday destination and suitable accommodation is not always easy for pet owners. Dogs are usually not welcome by landlords and other guests in hotels quickly feel disturbed. Many holiday destinations are not prepared for animal guests. We could continue this list for a long time. However, there is an ideal solution that we would like to inform you about here.


29 May 2017
Hundesenior - alter Hund

Dog senior - old dogDogs also get older and are often no longer able to jump, run, see and hear as well as they get older. That’s the passage of time! The author has accompanied many dogs over the years, from puppies to the end, and one thing remains clear: dogs feel and develop best when they are simply allowed to be there, in their family. That means a lot to them. There are dogs like us!



hund-angeleintSome fellow citizens think that in the age of smartphones etc. you have to and, above all, can take photos of everything. In this specific case, dogs and dog owners. There was a so-called self-appointed law enforcement officer who secretly and systematically photographed dog owners to see whether they followed the applicable leash requirement in a nature reserve. Every violation was reported to the authorities, with a photo of course. In one week, 35 “sinners” came together who knew nothing about the photos. You were asked to pay with a fine notice.
