Border Collie

Border CollieWorkaholic specialist or intelligent family dog? The Border Collie is one of the dogs that currently enjoys a large media presence. Whether in advertising, in films or in talent shows: the docile herding dogs impress not only with their great looks, but also with their above-average intelligence, which makes them easy to learn even difficult tricks. As its popularity grows, negative reports about the breed are also increasing: it is said again and again that they are hyperactive, annoying, prone to biting and need to be kept busy all day long.


01 Dec 2014

ChihuahuaHandbag accessory or small dog? The stars from Hollywood are showing the way: these days you carry “dog” in your handbag. The smallest dog breed in the world, the Chihuahua, is particularly popular: the miniature dogs are now one of the most popular dog breeds ever. Due to their attitude, the little dwarves often have little in common with “real” dogs: they are too fragile to play in a pack with normal-sized dogs, their barking sounds thin, and long walks would be too strenuous for the short little legs, for everyday use Business is in a litter box and diseases such as partial luxation are unfortunately commonplace. Nevertheless, the charm of these tiny dogs remains unbroken.



Distemper in dogsDogs also get sick. Just like us humans, you struggle with back pain, diabetes, canine joint disease and more. However, there are also some diseases that we humans are spared from, but which hit our four-legged friends even harder. However, dog owners often find it difficult to recognize these diseases and assign the symptoms to the corresponding clinical picture – although this is usually urgently necessary. A typical example is distemper: Almost everyone has heard of this often fatal animal disease, but very few people know more than the name. In many cases, early diagnosis can be life-saving.



ChihuahuaDog baskets, dog leashes, dog bowls, dog toys – but also dog coats, dog jewelry, dog shampoo and dog accessories are available in a large selection in relevant stores. Everything your dog needs and much more that he doesn’t actually need can be purchased – and is selling hotly! Especially for small breeds, also known as lap dogs, the market offers a variety of accessories whose usefulness can be considered questionable. Much more worrying, however, is a development that precedes this: the fact that small dogs are increasingly viewed as a fashion accessory and not as living beings with needs.


Fitter Hund im herbst

Border CollieIt is said that the dog is man’s best friend. And best friends understand each other blindly – of course. However, things are a little different for humans and dogs because they both speak completely different languages. Dog owners usually know how to interpret their four-legged friend’s signals quite well. Nevertheless, it is sometimes shocking how little some supposed dog experts know about the four-legged friends with the cold nose. We clear up the 7 biggest misconceptions about dogs!


Hund mit glänzenden Fell

Dog with shiny furFor many dog owners, changing their fur in spring is a horror. Unpleasant balls of fur can be found everywhere, etc. It is interesting to know that not all dog breeds shed the same amount. As a rule, dogs with a thick undercoat shed more hair than dogs without this insulating layer. Depending on the breed, dogs have an average of 1,000 to 9,000 hairs per square centimeter of skin. Humans, on the other hand, only have 150 to 500 hairs.


Hund Angstbeisser

Dog AngstbeisserA deep growl, the lips are pulled upwards, the teeth snap shut – every year thousands of people are bitten by dogs in Germany alone. Almost any outcome is possible, from light pressure marks to bloody scratches to gaping bite wounds. The end of a biting attack often depends less on the dog itself than on how the human participants react. Because very few dog bites are actually the result of aggressiveness. Most dogs bite out of fear and insecurity; they are fear biters. These bites can easily be avoided through correct behavior.

We will now explain how to properly deal with fear biters and try to put everything in perspective!

Cesar Millan

Cesar Millan

In the summer of 2014, Cesar Millan is touring through Germany. The American is known, not least through his television show, as a dog whisperer, under whose hands even difficult problem dogs immediately become pious. He uses neither violence nor visible aids, but works almost exclusively with body language and energy. The successes are obvious and the interest in his method is correspondingly great. However, Cesar Millan is also polarizing: What seems like a miracle to some people appears to be animal cruelty to others. We have summarized for you how the American dog whisperer works and what his method is based on.
