Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

Inflammation of the pancreas, also known as pancreatitis, is a serious disease that can occur in dogs of all ages and breeds. This causes the pancreas, an organ that produces important digestive enzymes and hormones, to become inflamed.

In this article we look at the causes of pancreatitis in dogs and explain treatment options and recommended food changes so that dog owners can get an idea of the disease.

Causes of pancreatitis in dogs

The exact causes of pancreatitis in dogs are often not clearly understood. However, there are several factors that can increase the risk of this condition:

  • Fat food: Fatty food, especially fatty meat, can overload the pancreas and lead to inflammation.
  • Dry food: Some studies suggest that there may be a connection between feeding dry food and the development of pancreatitis in dogs. This could be due to certain ingredients in the dry food, such as: B. certain fats or artificial additives.
  • Other diseases: Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Cushing’s syndrome or kidney disease can also increase the risk of pancreatitis.
  • Medicines: Certain medications, such as: B. Cortisone or painkillers can also irritate the pancreas and trigger inflammation.
  • Genetic predisposition: There is evidence that some dog breeds, such as B. Miniature Schnauzers and Yorkshire Terriers have a genetic predisposition to developing pancreatitis.

The role of dry food

As already mentioned, there could be a connection between feeding dry food and the development of pancreatitis in dogs. However, this is a complex topic and the exact cause-and-effect relationship is not yet fully understood.

Some possible explanations for this connection are:

  • Fat content: Dry food can have a higher fat content compared to fresh food. Fatty foods can overload the pancreas and lead to inflammation.
  • Artificial additives: Dry food often contains artificial additives such as preservatives, colors and flavors. These additives can irritate the pancreas and promote inflammation.
  • Starchy fillers: Some types of dry food use starchy fillers such as grains. These fillers can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly, which can put additional strain on the pancreas.

Treatment options

Treatment of pancreatitis in dogs must be tailored to each individual case. Treatment is usually carried out as an inpatient in a veterinary clinic.

The most important measures include:

  • Fast: To relieve the strain on the pancreas, the dog will initially not eat anything for 24-48 hours and will only be given water.
  • Infusion therapy: The dog receives infusions to compensate for fluid and electrolyte losses caused by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Pain relievers: If the dog has severe abdominal pain, painkillers are given.
  • Anti-nausea medication: To relieve nausea and vomiting, the dog can be given anti-nausea medication.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections.

In severe cases, it may be necessary to surgically relieve pressure on the pancreas.

Recommended feed changes

After pancreatitis, the dog should be switched to an easily digestible, low-fat diet.

Suitable feedstuffs are:

  • Cook it yourself: The dog is sick and a fresh, high-quality diet is recommended; ready-made food and so-called special food are not an option. A nutritionist should be consulted to create a suitable feeding plan. Info: Many veterinarians do not have the additional qualifications to become a nutritionist. These include, for example:
  • Cooked Chicken or Turkey: Cooked chicken or turkey is an easily digestible, low-fat source of protein.
  • Rice or potatoes:Rice and, exceptionally, potatoes are easily digestible carbohydrates that provide the dog with energy.
  • Vegetables: Vegetables contain important vitamins and minerals.


Inflammation of the pancreas is a serious disease in dogs, but it can be treated well with the right treatment.

To reduce the risk of pancreatitis, it is important to give your dog a healthy, balanced diet. Fatty food and ready-made food should be avoided.

If pancreatitis is suspected, the dog should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. The earlier the disease is recognized and treated, the better the chances of recovery.

Additional notes:

  • This article is intended to provide information only and does not replace professional advice from a veterinarian.
  • If you have any questions or uncertainties, you should always consult a veterinarian.
Kleiner weißer Hund

Flatulence in dogs is not only unpleasant for the animal, but often also for the owner. But what exactly leads to this unpleasant condition and how can you help your dog naturally? In this article you will learn more about the causes of bloating and how you can treat it with natural remedies.

What are the causes of flatulence in dogs?

Flat occurs when gas builds up in your dog’s digestive tract. This can have various causes, ranging from the type of feeding to health problems.

Inferior feed quality

One of the most common causes of flatulence in dogs is feeding dry food that is generally unsuitable for dogs and ingredients that are difficult to digest or cause flatulence. Foods that commonly cause bloating include legumes such as lentils, certain vegetables such as broccoli, and difficult-to-digest grains. However, grains don’t belong in any food either way. Eating too quickly can also lead to increased air intake and thus promote flatulence.

Impaired intestinal flora

Your dog’s intestinal flora plays a crucial role in digestion. If this flora is disturbed, for example through the use of antibiotics or other medications, this can lead to an overgrowth of gas-forming bacteria. A healthy intestinal flora is therefore essential to avoid digestive problems and the associated flatulence.

Natural remedies to relieve flatulence

There are several natural remedies that can help support your dog’s digestion and reduce flatulence:

  • Fennel: Known for its deflating properties, fennel can help regulate bowel movements and reduce gas buildup.
  • Cumin: Similar to fennel, caraway is often used to relieve cramping abdominal pain and promote digestion.
  • Ginger: Ginger is another natural remedy that supports gastrointestinal function and can help prevent gas formation.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint tea can have a calming effect on the stomach and reduce gas formation.

VITAL gastro: Ayurvedic recipe for your dog’s digestion

To support your dog’s digestion naturally, we recommend our product VITAL gastro. This special formula is based on Ayurvedic principles and contains a combination of natural ingredients specifically designed to promote digestion and relieve flatulence.

VITAL gastro is easy to use and can be added directly to food to support your dog’s daily digestive health. With the application you can not only reduce the symptoms of flatulence, but also promote the general intestinal health of your four-legged friend.


Flatulence in dogs can have various causes, but can often be effectively treated by adjusting feeding and supporting the intestinal flora. Natural remedies and specially developed products like our VITAL gastro can help give your dog relief and improve his quality of life. If problems persist, remember to consult a veterinarian to rule out underlying health problems.

Go to VITAL gastro in the shop

Behandlung Kreuzbandriss beim Hund
Cruciate ligament rupture in dogs

Torn cruciate ligaments are one of the most common injuries in dogs, often requiring intensive treatment and long-term care. This injury affects the knee joint and can significantly affect the quality of life of our four-legged friends.

What is a cruciate ligament tear?

The cruciate ligament is a central component of the knee joint that ensures stability and correct movement. A tear in this ligament leads to pain, lameness and long-term joint problems.

Causes: How does it happen

Cruciate ligament tears can be caused by acute injuries or chronic wear and tear. Acute injuries are often the result of sudden movements or accidents. In the case of chronic tears, factors such as obesity, genetic predisposition and degenerative joint diseases play a role.

Symptoms: What are the signs?

A common sign of a cruciate ligament rupture is sudden lameness in the affected leg. Dogs often show pain reactions when the knee joint is touched and avoid putting weight on the leg.

Diagnosis: How is a cruciate ligament rupture diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually made through a combination of clinical examination, X-rays and possibly a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to determine the extent of the injury.

Treatment options: What routes are available

Treatment depends on the severity of the injury. Mild cases can be treated with rest, anti-inflammatory medication, nutritional supplements and physiotherapy. In more severe cases, surgery is often necessary to stabilise the knee joint and prevent long-term damage.

After surgery, careful aftercare is crucial. This also includes nutritional supplements, physiotherapy and controlled exercise and, if you are overweight, a special diet to promote optimal recovery.

Prevention: Can you prevent a cruciate ligament rupture?

While not all cruciate ligament ruptures can be prevented, regular exercise, a healthy diet and avoiding overuse and obesity can help to minimise the risk.

Supported by supplements

In many cases, supplements such as our DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAL regeneration in combination with our VITAMIN B complex can help support recovery time and reduce the risk of re-injury. VITAL regeneration and VITAMIN B contain important nutrients that contribute to recovery from injuries of all kinds.

Finally: A healthy dog’s life

Torn cruciate ligaments are undoubtedly a serious and often painful condition for any dog. However, with the right treatment and care, most dogs can make a full recovery and lead an active, happy life.

Obst und Gemüse für Hunde
8 types of fruit and vegetables for a healthy dog life

A healthy life for our four-legged friends means not only regular exercise and love, but also a balanced diet. In addition to high-quality meat and important nutrients, different types of fruit and vegetables also play an important role in a dog’s diet. In this article, we present five types of fruit and vegetables that are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre.

Pears: vitamin bombs for dogs

Pears are an excellent source of vitamins and also contain important minerals such as potassium. They are also rich in fibre, which can aid your dog’s digestion. They are also a good source of energy. However, make sure to feed pears in moderation and remove the seeds, as these can be harmful to dogs.

Apples: crunchy and healthy

Apples are not only a crunchy snack for in between meals, but also a healthy one. They contain vitamins such as vitamin A and C as well as fibre and are low in protein and fat, making them an ideal snack for overweight dogs. Again, the seeds should be removed as they can contain cyanide.

Parsnips: The root for well-being

Parsnips are an often underestimated vegetable, but they offer many health benefits for dogs. They are rich in fibre and contain important vitamins such as folic acid as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Parsnips can be fed raw or cooked and support your dog’s digestion and heart health.

Mandarins: vitamins for a strong immune system

Mandarins are not only delicious, but also an excellent source of vitamins that can strengthen your dog’s immune system. They also contain antioxidants and are low in calories. It is important to feed mandarins in small quantities, as they contain fruit acids that are not ideal in larger quantities.

Beetroot: a colourful source of nutrients

Beetroot is a true superfood that is rich in vitamins (A, B and C), minerals (such as potassium, magnesium and iron) and antioxidants. It promotes blood health and can improve coat and skin health when fed regularly. However, due to the high oxalate content, beetroot should only be fed in moderation.

Cucumbers: refreshing snack with few calories

Cucumbers are an ideal snack for dogs, especially on hot days. They consist mainly of water, which makes them a great way to increase your dog’s fluid intake. They also contain important nutrients such as vitamin K and C and are very low in calories. Cucumbers can help manage your dog’s weight while promoting hydration.

Broccoli: Powerful in vitamins and minerals

Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients and offers a variety of health benefits. It is rich in vitamins (A and K), minerals such as calcium and iron and fibre. Broccoli supports the immune system and can help prevent cancer. However, broccoli should only be fed in small quantities as it contains isothiocyanates, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems if consumed in excess. When cooked, it is easier to digest and safer for dogs.

Carrots: Versatile source of vitamins

Carrots are an excellent snack for dogs, rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. They not only support eye health, but also contribute to a healthy coat and strong skin. Carrots are also good for oral health, as chewing on carrots can massage the gums. Whether raw or cooked, carrots are a healthy and tasty addition to a dog’s diet.

Many types of fruit and vegetables are a valuable addition to the diet of dogs, only around 70% of which are carnivores, and they contribute to their health and well-being. However, it is important to consider individual tolerance and the right amount.

Julia Welz – Orthopädie- & Rehatechnik für Tiere
Julia Welz - Orthopaedic & rehabilitation technology for animals

We are delighted to have Julia Welz, owner of Tier Agil Orthopädie- & Rehatechnik für Tiere from Sunder, as a guest contributor. Enjoy reading!

My name is Julia Welz, I am a graduate engineer and master craftswoman for orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology. After an apprenticeship as an orthopaedic and rehabilitation technician, I completed my A-levels and then went on to study orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology at the TH Giessen. During my studies, I took my master craftsman’s examination at the Federal College for Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology in Dortmund.

Even as a child, I wanted to learn exactly this profession and have never regretted it. Because it’s nice to be able to help people with physical problems so that they can cope better with their everyday lives again.

For this reason, I wanted to make it my mission to help animals with physical problems and thus make their everyday lives easier and alleviate pain.

Julia Welz - A passionate dog owner

Since rescue dog work is physically and mentally demanding work for people and dogs, I support my dogs with the products from DOG FIT by PreThis®. Because of the exertion during training or competition, not all nutrients are always adequately covered by normal food.

Of course, they also receive appropriate physiotherapy as well as strength and conditioning training.

I also support my older dog, who is 13 years old, to cushion the minor “signs of age” and to keep her as muscular and cognitively fit as possible.

Julia Welz orthopaedic and rehabilitation aids for animals

A passionate dog owner

I own 2 Giant Schnauzers myself and do dog sports with both of them (agility and eventing for working dogs as well as rescue dog work).

Both are nationally tested in area search and rubble search, Xara also has the International Mission Readiness Test (MRT) with the IRO (International Rescue Dog Organisation), where I am also active as a trainer and have successfully participated in the World Championship for Rescue Dogs several times. The best results were 10th place with Hexe and 2nd place with Xara in the area search.

Prosthesis for dogs

Back to my profession…

Why orthopaedic and rehabilitation aids for animals?
Humans have been able to be fitted with supports, prostheses, orthoses and wheelchairs for a long time. Since 2013, I have been offering a wide range of orthopaedic aids for animals.

I manufacture the aids for each animal individually according to measurements and plaster casts, just as I do for humans. Because every animal is just as individual and special as we are.

The aim of my work is to maintain, promote and restore the health and quality of life of your animal with the orthopaedic and rehabilitation aids I make.

Because of the abundance of different clinical pictures and injuries, a personal consultation and presentation of your animal is essential. A made-to-measure product hardly ever fits and often causes more problems than it helps. Collaboration with your vet and animal physiotherapist is also recommended to achieve the best possible results for your pet’s therapy.

For this reason, the three pillars of successful treatment for me personally are always:

  • Customised for the individual animal
  • Consultation with the vet and/or physiotherapist
  • Personal on-site consultation and fitting of the aids

To Tier Agil:

Neues Jahr, neue Vorsätze für ein gesundes Hundeleben
New year, new resolutions for a healthy dog life

The new year 2024 is upon us – a time of renewal and good intentions. While we set our own goals for health and well-being, we must not forget that our faithful four-legged friends can also benefit from positive changes. In this article, we take a look at important aspects that contribute to a healthy and happy life for your dog. From adequate exercise and healthy eating to regular check-ups, we cover everything you should consider for your dog’s well-being in the new year.

Adequate exercise: The key to vitality and well-being

The New Year is the perfect time to make sure your faithful four-legged friend gets enough exercise for a healthy canine life. Regular walks, outdoor play and interactive exercise not only contribute to your dog’s physical health, but also strengthen your bond. Whether it’s a long walk in the park or a lively play session in the garden, exercise will keep your dog fit and happy.

Social contact: Why they’re important for your dog

Dogs are naturally social animals and benefit hugely from interactions with other dogs. In 2024, focus on enabling your dog to meet other dogs on a regular basis. Whether at the dog park or on walks with dog owners from the neighbourhood – these contacts are important for your dog’s social development and emotional well-being.

Healthy diet: away from dry food and towards natural food

A healthy diet is crucial for your dog’s health. In the new year, we recommend moving away from dry food and switching to a natural, balanced diet. Fresh meat, vegetables and healthy fats should form the basis of your dog’s meals. Make sure your dog has a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients. Strange chunks from the bag in the bowl have nothing to do with a healthy diet!

Chewing materials: for optimum dental health

Your dog’s dental health should not be underestimated. Chewing materials such as raw meat bones, bullwhips, coffee tree wood or rabbit ears with fur can help to keep teeth clean and gums healthy. These not only provide a great activity, but also support dental care.

Regular check-ups: A must for a healthy dog’s life

Regular health check-ups are essential. Schedule annual check-ups at the vet to make sure your dog is in good health. Early detection of health problems can be crucial for successful treatment.

Optimal support for older dogs

To help older dogs live a healthy life, we recommend our combination set of DOG FIT by PreThis® CARE senior and VITAMIN B. CARE senior provides a comprehensive supply of essential nutrients, supports joint health and contributes to vitality. The VITAMIN B complex ideally complements this by strengthening the nervous system and promoting general health. Together, they provide an excellent basis for giving your older dog a vital and healthy new year.

To the CARE senior and VITAMIN B combination set in the shop


Der Golden Retriever Eric - Eine weihnachtliche Rettungsmission
Golden Retriever Eric & the Christmas rescue mission

In a small village, hidden between snowy hills and dense forests, lived a dog named Eric. Eric was no ordinary dog; he was a brave, loving golden retriever with a heart as big as the shimmering snowflakes that fell gently to earth.

The village was preparing for Christmas, the most festive days of the year. Fairy lights adorned the streets and the smell of freshly baked biscuits filled the air. But something was different this year. A deep sadness had settled over the village because the Christmas market, the centrepiece of the festivities, had been destroyed by a strong storm.

Eric sensed the dejection of the villagers. He knew he had to do something to save Christmas. With his faithful gaze and wagging tail, he set off to find help.

Deep in the forest, he came across a group of woodland animals – squirrels, rabbits and even a wise old fox. Eric told them about the village’s plight. The animals, touched by Eric’s warmth and the spirit of Christmas, decided to help.

Together they collected pine cones and twigs to decorate the village square. The squirrels skilfully climbed into the trees to get the most beautiful branches, while the rabbits collected soft cushions of moss as decoration. The fox, with his experience, led the team.

When they had finished their work, the village square was transformed. It was as if nature itself had transformed the village into a Christmas wonderland. The villagers came out of their homes, drawn by the beauty and magic that Eric and his friends had created.

That night, the village square shone brighter than ever before. The stars twinkled in the sky as if they were celebrating the work of Eric and his friends. The villagers gathered together, singing Christmas carols and sharing biscuits and hot cocoa.

Eric sat amongst the people, surrounded by laughter and joy. He knew that this year he had received the best gift of all – the gratitude and love of his human pack.

As night fell and the lights of the Christmas tree glistened in the quiet snow, Eric knew that this Christmas would remain forever in the hearts of the villagers – a celebration of hope, cohesion and love, led by a dog with a big heart.

With this in mind, we wish you all a Merry Christmas with your loved ones.
Your team from DOG FIT

Myelopathie bei Hunden
myelopathy in dogs

What is degenerative myelopathy in dogs?

Myelopathy in dogs is a serious spinal cord disorder that can lead to a variety of motor and sensory problems. This disease affects the nerve pathways in the spinal cord, which are responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and the body. Myelopathy can occur in various forms, including degenerative myelopathy, which is more common in older dogs.

Causes of myelopathy

The exact causes of degenerative myelopathy (DM) in dogs are varied. A genetic predisposition is suspected in degenerative myelopathy, with certain breeds such as the German Shepherd, Collie, Bernese Mountain Dog, Belgian Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Borzoi, as well as Weimaraner and Rhodesian Ridgeback being more affected. Other causes may include traumatic injuries, infections, tumors or impaired blood flow to the spinal cord.

Symptoms of myelopathy

Symptoms of myelopathy vary depending on the area of the spinal cord affected. Common signs include weakness in the hind legs, coordination problems, unsteady gait and, in severe cases, symptoms of paralysis. Behavioral changes and pain reactions may also occur.

Treatment of spinal cord damage

Treatment of myelopathy ranges from drug therapy, physical therapy to surgical procedures. Early diagnosis and specific treatment plans are crucial, but unfortunately the disease has no cure. Dogs with DM can live up to 4 years after the first symptoms appear and with good treatment. A wheelchair or carrying strap is helpful if the disease is advanced and can still offer dogs some quality of life in the company of people.

The importance of B vitamins in myelopathy

B vitamins play an important role in supporting nerve function and may be helpful in treating myelopathy. They contribute to the regeneration and protection of nerve cells and, in conjunction with other therapeutic measures, can alleviate the symptoms and, at best, slow down the progression.

Our recommendation

When supporting dogs with myelopathy, we recommend our DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAMIN B complex. This contains a balanced blend of essential B vitamins, which can help support nerve health and improve the dog’s overall well-being.

DOG FIT by PreThis VITAMIN B in the shop

Caring for a dog with myelopathy requires special attention and dedicated care. A balanced diet, regular exercise for as long as possible and the consideration of specific therapies and nutritional supplements can play an important role in the overall treatment strategy in order to best extend lifespan.

Note: This article is for general information and does not replace a visit to the vet. If myelopathy is suspected, a good veterinarian should always be consulted. Further information here.

Hund CDDY Chondrodystrophie
Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) in dogs

Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) is a genetic disease that occurs primarily in certain breeds of dogs. This disease is characterized by unusually short limbs, which are due to abnormal development of the cartilage. This form of dwarfism is often found in breeds such as Dachshunds, Basset Hounds and other short-legged dogs.

Genetic causes and bone growth

The cause of chondrodystrophy is a mutation in the FGF4 gene on chromosome 18. This gene plays a crucial role in regulating bone growth during a dog’s developmental period. The result of this genetic change is a shortened and sometimes irregular growth rate of the long bones in the legs.

Which dog breeds are particularly susceptible to CDDY?

Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) primarily affects dog breeds known for their characteristically short limbs, i.e. dogs that were bred according to human ideas. The (unfortunately often overbred) breeds that are particularly frequently affected by this genetic disease include:

  1. Dachshund: This breed is perhaps best known for its short legs and long body, traits directly related to chondrodystrophy.
  2. Basset Hound: Basset Hounds are also known for their short legs and long bodies, which makes them typical representatives of this disease.
  3. Corgis (Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Welsh Corgi Cardigan): These Welsh herding dogs are also known for their short legs and often show features of chondrodystrophy.
  4. Beagle: Although they do not have extremely short legs like Dachshunds or Basset Hounds, Beagles are also a breed that can develop chondrodystrophy.
  5. Bulldogs (English and French Bulldogs): These breeds often have short limbs and a compact build, making them susceptible to CDDY.
  6. Pekinese: This small dog breed also often shows characteristics of chondrodystrophy.
  7. Shih Tzu: This small breed may also show signs of chondrodystrophy, particularly with regard to their leg structure.

Health challenges in CDDY

Dogs with chondrodystrophy are often prone to spinal problems, particularly herniated discs and spinal osteoarthritis. This is due to the abnormal shape of the vertebrae and the altered biomechanics of the body, which leads to increased stress on the spine and intervertebral discs. The risk of intervertebral disc disease (intervertebral discopathy) is significantly increased in these dogs.

Breeding practices and responsibility

Because chondrodystrophy is hereditary, responsible breeding plays an essential role in controlling this disease. Genetic testing allows breeders to identify carriers of this trait and make informed decisions to minimize the spread of this disease. Unfortunately, not all breeders fulfill their responsibility, but this also applies to other hereditary diseases such as patellar luxation. Choosing a good breeder is sometimes not easy for laypeople.

CDDY care and management

It is important for owners of dogs with chondrodystrophy to pay special attention to the health of the spine and joints. Early detection and treatment of possible problems such as osteoarthritis and disc displacements are crucial. Close cooperation with the veterinarian and animal health practitioner is recommended in order to maintain and improve the dog’s quality of life.

CDDY support through nutritional supplements

To support the health of dogs with CDDY, our combination set of DOG FIT by PreThis® JOINTS elements and DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAMIN B offers a valuable supplement. JOINTS elements helps to strengthen Joints, ligaments and tendons and supports the preservation of cartilage and intervertebral discs. It is particularly beneficial for dogs with CDDY as well as Radius Curvus Syndrome and other joint problems. The additional intake of VITAMIN B supports this Nerve function and promotes improved nutrient absorption, which is of particular importance in dogs with CDDY.

We wish all dogs with chondrodystrophy a long and healthy life!


Note: This article is for general information and does not replace a visit to the vet. If CDDY is suspected, a good veterinarian should always be consulted.

dackel radius curvus
Radius curvus syndrome in dogs

Radius curvus syndrome (short ulna syndrome, carpus valgus) in dogs is an orthopedic disease characterized by abnormal curvature and growth disorder of the forelimb bones, particularly the radius (radius) and ulna (ulna). This developmental disorder results in visible deformation of the forelimbs, often resulting in a bent or hunched appearance.

Causes of Radius Curvus Syndrome

The main cause of radius curvus syndrome is a disruption of the growth plate area in these bones. In dogs with this condition, one part of the bone grows faster or slower than the other part, resulting in uneven length and curvature. This can be caused by genetic factors, diet, trauma, or a combination of these factors.

Symptoms of Radius Curvus Syndrome

Symptoms of radius curvus syndrome can vary depending on severity, but typically include:

  • Deformed, curved or shortened front legs
  • Lameness or unusual gait
  • Pain or discomfort when walking or running
  • Possible joint problems, such as osteoarthritis

The diagnosis

The diagnosis is usually made through a physical examination and imaging tests such as x-rays. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition and may include measures such as nutritional supplements, pain management and physical therapy. In severe cases, surgical correction may be necessary to improve the form and function of the affected limbs.

Which dog breeds are particularly affected?

Radius curvus syndrome (RCS) is more common in certain breeds of dogs, particularly those that tend to grow quickly or have certain anatomical features. The breeds most commonly affected by RCS include:

  1. Great Danes: Due to their rapid growth and size, they are susceptible to a variety of bone and joint diseases, including RCS.

  2. Basset Hounds: Their short, bowed legs may be a result of RCS exacerbated by selective breeding.

  3. Dachshund: This breed has long bodies and short legs, making them prone to spine and joint problems, including RCS.

  4. Labrador Retrievers:As a fast-growing breed, they can develop RCS during their growth phase.

  5. Golden Retriever: Similar to Labradors, Golden Retrievers can also develop RCS due to their rapid growth.

  6. Bernese Mountain Dogs: Their size and rapid growth as puppies make them susceptible to RCS and other joint diseases.

  7. Mastiffs: Due to their size and weight, they are susceptible to a variety of bone and joint diseases, including RCS.

  8. Rottweilers: They are also susceptible to RCS due to their size and rapid growth.

It is important to note that RCS is not limited to large breeds; it can also occur in medium-sized and smaller breeds. The disease can be influenced by both genetic factors and environmental conditions such as diet and exercise.

Supplementary feed at RCS

As part of the treatment and care of dogs with Radius Curvus Syndrome (RCS), the correct supplementation of the diet is of great importance. Our “DOG FIT by PreThis® JOINTS elements” is specifically designed to support joint health and can make a positive contribution to relieving the symptoms of RCS. It contains a carefully curated combination of nutrients that specifically target joint health.

For optimal effect, we recommend combining it with our “DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAMIN B complex“. Vitamin B plays an important role in nerve function and overall health. This combination can help promote joint health while supporting the dog’s overall well-being.

Supplementing with “DOG FIT by PreThis® JOINTS elements” and “DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAMIN B complex” can provide valuable support as part of a holistic approach Treatment of radius curvus syndrome in dogs. Both products are available in a cheap combination set in the shopactually.

JOINST elements and VITAMIN B in the shop

Note: This article is for general information and does not replace a visit to the vet. If radius curvus is suspected, a veterinarian should always be consulted.