02 Feb 2014
Kräuter gegen Mundgeruch beim Hund

More and more veterinarians are preferring various homeopathic remedies for the treatment of various dog diseases, which is due to the fact that homeopathic medications hardly cause any side effects in dogs and still promise success. Homeopathy is also very suitable for owners to treat minor health problems in dogs themselves, but the vet should always be consulted if the animal has long-term or serious illnesses!


07 Jan 2014


Dog InfectionA hot spot in dogs generally refers to skin inflammation that occurs in a concentrated and localized manner in a specific area. The term “hot spot” comes from the English language and literally means “hot spot”. In general, hot sport in dogs can be attributed to a variety of causes and therefore the treatment is sometimes very different.


Golden Retriever

Paralysis in dogsParalysis in dogs can occur in the hind legs or forelegs and often indicates a neurological disease of the nerve tracts, spine, muscles or joints. Causes can be external influences such as accidents, but diseases such as spondylosis (pathological changes in the vertebral bodies), herniated discs or hip joint dysplasia (improper development of the hip joint) can also cause paralysis in dogs. In most cases, the nervous system has suffered damage.

Paralysis in dogs can creep in slowly and unnoticed in the early stages. However, it is important to go to the vet immediately if paralysis occurs in your dog. However, dog owners can also take preventive measures to strengthen their dog’s nervous system and joints, both during therapy and preventatively, before symptoms of paralysis even occur. In the following article you will find more information about what you can do for your dog yourself.


03 Nov 2013
Hund im Herbstlaub

Dogs can get bronchitis due to various circumstances and, in general, dog owners should have their four-legged friend treated for this disease by a veterinarian. If bronchitis is not treated, it can become a chronic illness and also a very serious situation for the dog! How does bronchitis develop in dogs and what can you do about it?



The veterinarians are sounding the alarm – more and more dogs are suffering from serious obesity and are therefore exposed to a serious health risk! According to veterinarians, the problem that causes dogs to be overweight is always to be found in the dog owner and never in the animals themselves, because the dog owner decides on the type and amount of food. For this reason, every dog owner should always feed their pet carefully!



Fleas can be a significant burden for dogs because the parasites cause severe itching. In addition, more and more dogs are showing an allergy to flea saliva, which causes additional health problems for the affected animals. But how does a flea saliva allergy manifest itself in dogs and what can the dog owner do about it?



Various yeast fungi live on the skin of every dog, which can multiply rapidly and trigger a fungal infection. Basically, a yeast infection in a dog indicates a weakened immune system and therefore veterinarians usually recommend a combined therapy, in which both the yeast fungi are combated and the dog’s immune system is strengthened.


19 Sep 2013
golden retriever-fell

The lice belong to the group of ectoparasites and do not feed on the dog’s blood like fleas or ticks, but on the glandular secretions on the animal’s skin. In general, the lice do not pose a major danger, but if these fur parasites are discovered, which is not a problem to the naked eye, you should act quickly. In addition, lice are often a sure sign of problems with the dog’s general health.



DogUnfortunately, many dogs experience serious skeletal developmental disorders as they grow, which are particularly a problem when the developmental disorder affects bones, which are essential for their optimal function and also for balanced linear growth. The skeletal development disorders usually occur in the early years of a young dog and result from a wide variety of circumstances. You can find out more about this in the following article.


04 Sep 2013
hund fellpflege

A beautiful coat on your four-legged friend is not something to be taken for granted, because both short-haired and long-haired dogs require regular care! Unfortunately, some dog owners still make the mistake of washing their dog’s fur using shampoos that are actually intended for humans. This can have a very negative effect on the health of a dog’s coat and skin, as shampoos for humans are often far too aggressive! Below are some simple tips for grooming your dog.
