
Arthritis is an inflammation of the dog’s joints that can be traced back to two basic causes. On the one hand, an infection caused by certain pathogens often triggers arthritis in animals, but the painful joint inflammation can also result from a malfunction of the immune system. In both cases, the affected dog usually suffers severe pain in the affected joints, which of course severely limits the animal’s agility.


Golden Retriever

Golden RetrieverThe number of dogs suffering from Lyme disease is increasing drastically from year to year and experts are therefore increasingly recommending immune-strengthening measures for dogs in areas at risk. A strong immune system can prevent the outbreak of Lyme disease in many cases because the healthy immune system effectively fights off the Borrelia bacteria transmitted by the tick. But what can the dog owner do to strengthen their animal’s immune system?


13 Jan 2013
Hund im Auto im Sommer bei Hitze

Dog Breeds Dog training is an extremely broad field and very quickly numerous mistakes creep in when training dogs that are difficult to correct. It is important to say that these training errors are of course to be found in the dog owner and not in the animal, and punishing a dog for misbehavior is undoubtedly the worst solution in the context of dog training. Below are some simple tips for dog training.


13 Jan 2013

ChihuahuaMore and more so-called “fashion dogs” are showing serious signs of long-term overbreeding and, in general, these phenomena have an extremely negative impact on the animals’ health. The best-known example of long-term overbreeding is undoubtedly the German Shepherd, in which the signs of overbreeding appear after a certain age in the form of hip dysplasia. But other dog breeds, such as the Pug and the French Bulldog, not only have joint problems, they also show other signs of overbreeding.



RetrieverLike us humans, dogs can develop painful osteoarthritis at a very young age, which significantly limits the animals’ quality of life. The causes of osteoarthritis in dogs are very complex and can range from genetic factors due to overbreeding to permanent malnutrition. Osteoarthritis in dogs usually goes unnoticed in the early stages; only when the animal shows abnormal movements does the dog owner notice that there is a problem with the dog’s joints.



Immune protection for dogsAs soon as the temperatures drop in winter and cold, wet weather sets in, dogs are also at greater risk of contracting an infection and becoming infected with a rampant bacterium or virus. Especially if the dog has regular contact with other dogs, such as at the dog sports field, there is of course a certain risk of infection for the animal. Therefore, dog owners should strengthen their four-legged friend’s immune system, especially in winter.


Hundegruppe 5 Rassen

Dog Breeds Depending on the breed, dogs differ significantly in terms of temperament and requirements. Therefore, every dog lover who plans to buy an animal should ask themselves in advance which dog breed is actually right for them. Very specific aspects of the family circumstances and also your own living conditions must be examined and taken into account when deciding on the ideal breed. Often the right decision is not that easy.


22 Nov 2012
Zughundesport Husky

hundesportThe activities at a dog sports ground serve to promote social bonding between owner and dog, contact with other dogs, and to exercise the animals through their movements. Basically, dog sports should of course bring joy to both the animal and its owner and not turn into stress. It is also important to ensure that the dog’s joints are not overstressed by dog sports, as repeated and constant overloading of the dog’s joints can quickly lead to pain and other joint problems.


Hund Nährstoffe

Dog NutrientsEvery dog needs specific nutrients for long-term health, which they must regularly consume in sufficient doses through their food. Each of these nutrients has a very specific and sometimes even multiple tasks in the animal’s body and if over time there is an undersupply of a particular nutrient, this often results in a serious health risk for the dog. But which nutrients does a dog need and what are they used for?
