Bellender Hund an Leine

Barking dog on leashDogs are often man’s best friend, but they can also be unpredictable at times, especially when barking at strangers. It can be uncomfortable and even annoying when you’re walking your dog and he starts barking wildly at strangers.

But why is he doing this and what can you do to help him calm down? Here are some tips that can help you reduce your dog’s barking.


hund aus dem tierschutz

Fearful dogs from animal protectionIt is not uncommon for dogs from animal shelters to be fearful. Many of these dogs have experienced a traumatic event or were not properly socialised before coming to their new home. These experiences can cause a dog to become anxious and have a hard time building trust with other people.

There are different types of fears a dog may have. Some dogs are afraid of loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Others are afraid of people or other dogs. Some dogs even have generalised anxiety disorder, where they are afraid of many different things and situations.


Hündin mit Welpen

Pregnancy-Female-DogsA false pregnancy, also known as pseudopregnancy, is a natural process that can occur in female dogs. In this condition, the dog shows symptoms that resemble pregnancy, even though she is not pregnant. The causes of false pregnancy can be diverse, but it often occurs when the dog’s body produces an increased amount of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that is normally produced during pregnancy and lactation.

The symptoms of false pregnancy can vary greatly in female dogs. Some dogs only show mild signs such as increased panting, while others may suffer from significant milk production and behavioral changes such as nesting, vigilance, and aggression. A false pregnancy typically lasts about three weeks, but it can last up to six weeks.

It is interesting to note that false pregnancy in dogs can also be observed in their wild relatives, wolves. In wolf packs, it is common for only the alpha female to be mated. The other female wolves in the pack show signs of false pregnancy as a result. This behavior is evolutionarily based and allows the alpha female to focus on raising her pups while the other wolves in the pack support her. When the alpha female goes hunting, her pups can be nursed by the false pregnant females to increase their chances of survival. This type of cooperation within a wolf pack has proven effective over the course of evolution and is an impressive example of how nature is able to develop complex strategies to ensure the survival of a species.

Although it is a natural process, female dogs may suffer from the symptoms of false pregnancy. However, there are natural remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms. One approach is to adjust the dog’s diet by giving her a low-carbohydrate diet and feeding her with plant-based estrogens such as flaxseed. There are also homeopathic remedies such as Pulsatilla and Sepia that can help with false pregnancy.

It is important to emphasize that false pregnancy is not a medical problem and usually does not require treatment. However, if the symptoms are severe or last longer than six weeks, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

In summary, false pregnancy in female dogs is a natural process triggered by an increase in the hormone prolactin. Although it usually does not require treatment, the symptoms can be alleviated with natural remedies such as a low-carbohydrate diet and homeopathic remedies. However, if the symptoms are severe or last longer than six weeks, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Hund pinkelt vor Freude

Dog pees with joy and excitementMany dog ​​owners know this. The dog is greeted and he leaves a small puddle of joy and excitement. Otherwise he is housebroken. In conversations with masters and mistresses, I often hear the concern that the dog is definitely incontinent, even if it is still a puppy. But I can usually calm them down quickly. Because when dogs pee with joy and excitement, it usually has nothing to do with incontinence. But what it has to do with and what you can do about it, you will find out in the following article.


Hund im Auto im Sommer bei Hitze

Dog PawsIn summer, high temperatures can not only be uncomfortable for us humans. Animals also suffer from the heat and, like us humans, can get heat stroke. What is not so well known to many, especially hot asphalt is very dangerous for sensitive dog paws. Especially in the midday heat, the sun can heat up the asphalt enormously, so that a multiple of the air temperature is reached. At an air temperature of 25 degrees, the asphalt temperature reaches 45-62 degrees, at 30 degrees 50-60, at 35 degrees 55-68 degrees. Different floor coverings reach different temperatures. A study by Frostburg University shows that when concrete is 40°C, brick is about 43°C and asphalt is about 51°C when the outside temperature is 25 degrees.


Senior Hund

senior-dogThere is a saying: “Everyone wants to grow old, nobody wants to get older!” This applies not only to us humans, but also to dogs. First of all, the question arises when is mine Dog actually old, was it just a puppy? Unfortunately, there is no clear statement on this. But there is an old rule: the bigger the dog, the sooner it becomes a senior. For example: giant breeds such as the Irish Wolfhound or the German Great Danes have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years and are already considered senior dogs at the age of 6 to 7. Medium-sized dogs from the age of 8, small dogs only at the age of 10. (more…)

hund fellpflege

 Dog fur

The somewhat different article on Haut & hair, as will soon be seen.
Beautiful fur & Skin not only has to do with external care, it also reflects the overall state of health of your four-legged friend. Just as unhealthy food leads to oily skin, stringy hair, etc. in humans, it can also be the case in dogs. You have to pay attention to the quality of the diet, avoid discounter food and the bad habit of dry food financed with huge amounts of advertising money and feed your dog species-appropriate. As he deserves! Or do you eat ready-made pizza every day? If the diet is right, not only problems with skin and hair will be solved, but your overall health will begin to shine.



Dog Barfen Many dog ​​owners wonder what else they can do for their dog. When researching, they often come across the BARF feed concept, but unfortunately it mostly stays that way. It’s far too complex, too expensive and I feed it a super premium feed. So people continue to trust the industrial feed manufacturer, because the dog’s droppings are ok and otherwise it seems to taste good to him. Especially since the whole presentation of the food is great, so why should I change the food? At the latest after the first intolerance, or illness of the gastrointestinal tract, tartar and bad breath, many dog ​​owners ask themselves whether it might not have something to do with the food. In the best case, the question is asked beforehand and our feed check is used.


09 Feb 2021
hund mit alter frau

dog-in-the -sonneEpidemiologists from Sweden in the journal Scientific Reports have shown in a study that dog owners live longer and are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Studies show that living with a dog is good for your health. Living together with dogs has an invigorating effect, ensures regular activity and thus helps to process stress. Dog owners need around 15% fewer visits to the doctor. Living with a dog also increases survival time after a heart attack compared to heart attack patients without a dog. Incredible, is not it? (more…)