Dog gastrointestinal leaky gutThe term “Leaky Gut” refers to a disorder of the intestinal barrier where the permeability of the intestinal wall is increased. Normally, the intestinal wall is covered with a layer of cells that are closely packed together, forming a protective barrier.

In a “Leaky Gut” condition, these connections between the cells are weakened or damaged, leading to increased permeability. Holes in the intestine, that doesn’t sound good at all! “Leaky Gut” must be treated, and the underlying causes must be identified and addressed for your dog to recover.

This condition should be taken seriously, as the holes in the intestine can allow bacteria and other harmful substances to enter the bloodstream. Unfortunately, this condition is often self-inflicted!

In the following article, you will find all the essential information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for “Leaky Gut” in dogs.

There are several factors that can lead to leaky gut, including:

  1. Unhealthy diet: A poor diet with low-quality food rich in additives, preservatives and grains can lead to inflammation in the intestines and weaken the intestinal barrier.
  2. Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the balance of intestinal flora and increase intestinal permeability.
  3. Medications: Certain medications such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can affect the intestinal flora and weaken the intestinal barrier.

Symptoms of “Leaky Gut” in dogs

Leaky gut can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms. The most common signs include:

  1. Digestive problems: Frequent diarrhea, bloating, constipation or irregular bowel movements may indicate a damaged intestine.
  2. Allergies and food intolerances: A weakened intestine can mean that certain foods are not digested properly and are not tolerated by the body.
  3. Skin problems: Skin rashes, itching, eczema and hot spots can be signs of “leaky gut” because inflammatory substances from the intestines can enter the body and trigger an allergic reaction.
  4. Fatigue and lack of energy: A damaged intestine can impair nutrient absorption and lead to a lack of energy.

Treatment and prevention of leaky gut

Treatment of leaky gut usually requires a combination of measures. These include:

  1. Diet change: A healthy, balanced diet is crucial for intestinal health. It is important to choose high-quality dog food that is free of artificial additives, grains and preservatives. A diet rich in lean meats, high-quality proteins, healthy fats, fiber and probiotic foods can help improve gut health and strengthen the intestinal barrier.
  2. Probiotics and prebiotics: Probiotics are live microorganisms that can support intestinal flora and restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics are certain food ingredients that promote the growth and activity of probiotic bacteria. Adding probiotic and prebiotic supplements can help improve gut health.
  3. Stress management: Chronic stress can have a negative impact on gut health. It is important to reduce stressors and provide a stress-free environment for the dog. Regular exercise, relaxation techniques and mental stimulation can help reduce stress and support gut health.
  4. Natural supplements: There are several natural supplements specifically designed to promote healthy gut flora. These often contain a blend of herbs, antioxidants and specific nutrients that support gut health.

Recommendation: DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAL gastro

To build a healthy intestinal flora, I recommend our product DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAL gastro. It contains a unique Ayurvedic formula specifically designed to support digestion and promote intestinal health. The nutrients it contains may help strengthen the intestinal barrier, reduce inflammation and build healthy intestinal flora. DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAL gastro can be used as a dietary supplement and to support intestinal health.


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