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Futtercheck für Hunde von DOG FIT by PreThis®
Processing time 7-12 days

My DOG FIT Food check

Is the food suitable for my dog or not? What's really in it? How do I tell good food from bad food? What can I improve? Our certified nutritionists answer all these questions in the feed check. Plus feeding tips!

€19.95 * instead of €24.95 * RRP
Content: 1 Futtercheck

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready to ship! Delivery time appr. 2 - 4 workdays in Germany, other countries 4-12 workdays.

In stock! Delivery time approx. 12 Workdays

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Good or bad food? Our nutrition experts take a close look at the food and teach you the basics... more

Good or bad food?

Our nutrition experts take a close look at the food and teach you the basics of a healthy species-appropriate diet.

DOG FIT dog If only it were that easy ;re, as many feed manufacturers promise. One food and the dog is happy. That would be too good to be true. Have you ever taken a closer look at the declaration of the feed? Do you really understand her? In many cases there is a system behind this, because without the appropriate specialist knowledge, a lot reads better than it really is. Unfortunately, many feeds also include products that are anything but healthy for dogs.

According to a Belgian study conducted by Lippert and Sapy between 1998 and 2002, dogs fed dry food lived an average of 32 to 48 months shorter than Dogs that are fed high-quality and species-appropriate - and they only rarely die of old age. But also many industrially manufactured wet foods are anything but healthy.

Feed check for dogs

But I'm sure that my dog gets high-quality food!

Declaration Unfortunately we hear that every day! Are you really sure?

  • Do you know that 90% of all feeds are industrial feeds and how they are made?
  • Do you know what nutrients your dog actually needs?
  • Do you know what ”nutritional additives” means?
  • Do you know what ”animal and vegetable by-products” are?
  • Do you know how to properly declare meat?
  • Do you know how to cheat with the meat content?
  • Do you know what content contains hidden sugar?
  • Do you know that grain-free doesn't necessarily mean no grain?
  • Do you know why a lot of dry food is very unhealthy?
  • Do you know what causes tartar and bad breath?
  • Do you know why many additions do not have to be declared?

You already know all this? Then the feed check is not for you. Or are you not so sure?

You are responsible for the health of your dog, he can no longer do it himself. The Feed check by our certified nutritionists for dogs is a first step in the right direction, even if what you may experience will make you feel bad. However, it is never too late to learn something new. After all, it's about the health of a family member!

What you get from us

DOG FIT dogWe take the contents of the feed closely under the magnifying glass, explain in detail what is actually hidden behind it and give you recommendations on what to look out for when choosing feed. The feed check is rounded off with basic information on species-appropriate nutrition, an insight into the machinations of the feed industry, information on content that does not belong in feed and, of course, you will also receive a feed tip from us. 

What our feed check cannot do

DOG FIT dogAn individual nutritional consultation, Ration calculation and creating a feed plan. We cannot give advice on existing illnesses, intolerances / allergies and on medication.


  • The feed check is based on exclusively to dog owners who set to Use ready-made products!
  • The feed check is not NOT for dog owners who BARFen!
  • In the feed check we can NOT discuss diseases and/or intolerances / allergies.

Find out what's really in the food and what you can improve!

DOG FIT dogWe offer you our feed check per email at cost price. Why are we doing this? Well, on the one hand we have been dog owners ourselves for over 35 years, we know the pitfalls of nutrition very well and we know how the animal feed industry really ticks. On the other hand, we want all dogs to be fed healthy and species-appropriate, because 90% of all food is so-called industrial food and unfortunately very few dog owners know that. Dogs need to be fed the way they deserve as a family member. High-quality and species-appropriate!

For example, many foods are a cause of tartar, but that is often only the lesser evil. Many diseases and intolerances are caused by food and that is why we would like to draw attention to the importance of nutrition! We want your dog to stay healthy into old age. Nutrition is the be-all and end-all, as it is for us humans!

How does the feed check work?

DOG FIT dogAfter your feed check order in shop, we will contact you by e-mail and send you a link to our online feed check form. After you have filled out the form and sent it to us, we have all the important information we need to accompany you on your way to better health for your dog. Of course, we are also available to answer any questions you may have after the feed check.

Who does the food check for you?

DOG FIT dogEach food check is based on your information from our certified nutritionists carried out individually for you. The contents of the food (you can specify dry and wet food) will be analyzed individually and you will be given a clear explanation of what is behind the declaration. Please do not confuse the feed check with nutritional advice, these are two different offers.

A feed check as a free bonus

DOG FIT dogFrom an order value of 100, - Euro you can select the food check as a free thank you bonus during the ordering process and add to cart! Please do NOT put the feed check in the shopping cart beforehand, because then the premium cannot be offset.

After you have ordered the feed check, we will contact you by email and send you a link to our... more

After you have ordered the feed check, we will contact you by email and send you a link to our feed check form. After you have filled out the form, we have all the important information we need to accompany you on your way to better health for your dog.

The processing time of 7-12 days applies to the complete submission of the feed check form. After the order you will receive a link to the online form by email!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

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Customer reviews for "My DOG FIT Food check"
18 Aug 2024

Ich war überrascht, nicht nur über die ausführliche Analyse des Futters sondern auch über die vielen hilfreichen Tipps und Erklärungen von Zusammenhängen, über die ich mir bisher nie Gedanen gemacht habe. Ich bin jetzt um einiges schlauer und weiß worauf ich in Zukunft zu achten habe.

22 Mar 2023
Sehr umfangreich

... und für Laien verständlich erklärt. Ich kann mich den anderen hier anschließen, denn auch ich dachte, dass sein nicht günstiges Futter eine entsprechende Qualität hat. Weit, sehr weit daneben gelegen! Tausend Dank für die Informationen und Futtertipps.

Der Futtercheck ist sehr zu empfehlen, vor allem für die, die sich bisher auf Hersteller, Züchter oder sogar den Tierarzt verlassen haben - so wie ich. Man lernt eben nie aus.

17 Nov 2022
❤️Herzensangelegenheit ❤️

Habt Ihr Euch schon mal mit dem Futter Eurer Tierchens intensiv beschäftigt? Egal ob Trockenfutter oder Nassfutter.

Was wird deklariert? Was muss deklariert werden? Wusstet ihr das die Hersteller nur geringe Auflagen haben. Was steckt hinter den Angaben? Ist da alles drinnen was rein gehört? Oder sind da Inhaltsstoffe drinnen die da überhaupt nicht rein gehören?
Ein sehr umfangreiches Thema und interessant, vorausgesetzt man möchte den Knutschkugeln was gutes tun.

Die liebe Silvana ❤️ von DOG FIT hat mir im Rahmen des Futterchecks unser Trockenfutter von Tia analysiert und mir die Augen geöffnet obwohl ich glaubte es sei mega gut. Macht den Futtercheck und lasst euch sachlich und kompetent beraten. ❤️

14 Oct 2022
Tolle Infos!

Und ich dachte immer ich füttere was gutes :-( Wie ahnungslos ich war hat mir der Futtercheck klar gemacht. Schrecklich wie man von den Herstellern hinter das Licht geführt wird. Ein Satz bleibt mir besonders in Erinnerung: Dein Hund, Deine Verantwortung! Wie war!

13 Jul 2022
Must have!!!

Der Check ist ein "Must have" für alle die meinen das Trockenfutter und auch viele Nassfutter doch was gutes für den Hund sind - der Hersteller, Züchter, Freund oder sogar der TA sagen das ja auch. Euch werden die Augen geöffnet!!! Die 20 Euro waren jeden Cent wert!!! Danke!!!

19 May 2022
Viel wissenswertes!

Bisher war ich der Meinung meine Hunde gut zu füttern, da das Futter auch vom Züchter empfohlen wurde. Schwer getäuscht und viel wissenswertes erfahren. Leute, verlasst euch nicht auf die Meinung anderer was das Futter angeht. Wendet euch an die Experten von DOG FIT, ihr werdet es nicht bereuen. Ganz hervorragend ist auch die Begleitung über den Futtercheck hinaus, denn es kamen immer wieder Fragen auf die mir ausführlich beantwortet wurden - auch noch Wochen später!!

17 Mar 2022

Ich habe nicht gewusst was ich meinem Hund für einen Sch*** gebe. Tausend Dank für die vielen Informationen die kein normaler Hundehalter wissen kann. Zum Glück gibt es euch!

10 Mar 2022
Absolute Empfehlung!

Für den Preis ein umfangreicher, detaillierter und für mich gut verständlich erklärter Futtercheck. Das hätte ich gar nicht erwartet! Es ist erschreckend wie man als Laie hinter das Licht geführt wird und dabei dachte ich ein wirklich gutes Futter zu füttern (war auch teuer genug). Ich konnte viel lernen und möchte jedem empfehlen die paar Euro zu investieren. Es lohnt sich!

Write a review

Dear customer,

We would like to point out that you must first register in our shop in order to be able to write a comment. We appreciate your opinion on our products and would like to share them with other customers.

To reward you for your participation, we will give you an exclusive 10% voucher for your next purchase in our shop if your comment is published.

We look forward to your feedback and thank you in advance for your support.

Your team from DOG FIT by PreThis® Shop.

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