When your dog becomes a senior...

When they see a cute puppy, most people have a hard time holding back and not just melting away. But of course even the cutest puppies grow up at some point. Puppy time is followed by the fluff phase and then hopefully many happy years together with the adult dog. And at some point the day comes when you realize that the droll ball of fur from back then has grown into a senior who would rather lie comfortably on the carpet than chase the ball and whose joints groan when he gets up.
Now your dog needs special care and he deserves it!
Bad eyes & Teeth, dull fur, skin infections, itching, sluggish digestion, a weakened immune system, slow metabolism and then there's the sore joints
Typical for old dogs are hearing impairment, bad eyesight, a dull coat, joint problems and worn teeth. Dog owners often equate hearing loss with “stubbornness” immediately when old dogs no longer come calling at the first time – but it is often more due to the fact that the ears are getting worse. However, since there are no hearing aids for dogs, the only way to react appropriately to the symptoms is to make yourself noticeable through body language. However, you can support hearing performance with high-quality vitamins. If your eyes start to suffer with age, you can do something to preserve your eyesight and, above all, prevent it. For example, if you support the health of the eyes in advance by taking vitamin E and make sure that he gets enough of it in old age, you have already done a lot for your dog.
The same applies to the teeth
Of course there are no braces or dentures for dogs. That's why it's important to make sure in advance that he has healthy teeth. Regular checks for tartar, plaque and gum inflammation are important and, like in humans, a sign that something is wrong. Teeth and bones, but can also be strengthened in old age.
If your old friend has tartar and plaque, you should remove it, because it is not only unsightly, but also very harmful to your teeth and your health. You can easily remove tartar from your dog yourself, without a veterinarian and without anesthesia. For this we have WHITE dental developed.
Old dogs also often have bad breath and gum infections. You can also counteract this yourself with our FRESH become active.
The fur and the skin - the metabolism
Since the metabolism also changes with age and certain nutrients in dog food can no longer be metabolized sufficiently, this often affects the coat quality. The skin becomes scaly, itching often occurs, inflamed skin (hot spots) sometimes appear and the coat becomes dull and greasy. But you can also become active with our products. And then there are the old joints...
The old bones and joints
In addition to the health problems already mentioned, joint problems are among the most common signs of aging in dogs. Osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism, hip dysplasia (HD) and other joint diseases with typical signs of wear and tear torment older dogs just as much as older people. They impede the animals' ability to move, cause pain and thus noticeably inhibit their ability to move and enjoy life. And here, too, you can do something for your dog with our products.
The immune system
Everything in the dog's organism now works a little more slowly and the immune system is no longer what it used to be. But that is exactly what is important now, because the older dog's organism needs a particularly strong immune system, since an infection, for example, can put double strain on the already weakened dog's body. A well-functioning immune system is one of the most important pillars for aging healthily. Our products also support your old W
When your dog becomes a senior...
When they see a cute puppy, most people have a hard time holding back and not just melting away. But of course even the cutest puppies grow up at some...
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When your dog becomes a senior...

When they see a cute puppy, most people have a hard time holding back and not just melting away. But of course even the cutest puppies grow up at some point. Puppy time is followed by the fluff phase and then hopefully many happy years together with the adult dog. And at some point the day comes when you realize that the droll ball of fur from back then has grown into a senior who would rather lie comfortably on the carpet than chase the ball and whose joints groan when he gets up.
Now your dog needs special care and he deserves it!
Bad eyes & Teeth, dull fur, skin infections, itching, sluggish digestion, a weakened immune system, slow metabolism and then there's the sore joints
Typical for old dogs are hearing impairment, bad eyesight, a dull coat, joint problems and worn teeth. Dog owners often equate hearing loss with “stubbornness” immediately when old dogs no longer come calling at the first time – but it is often more due to the fact that the ears are getting worse. However, since there are no hearing aids for dogs, the only way to react appropriately to the symptoms is to make yourself noticeable through body language. However, you can support hearing performance with high-quality vitamins. If your eyes start to suffer with age, you can do something to preserve your eyesight and, above all, prevent it. For example, if you support the health of the eyes in advance by taking vitamin E and make sure that he gets enough of it in old age, you have already done a lot for your dog.
The same applies to the teeth
Of course there are no braces or dentures for dogs. That's why it's important to make sure in advance that he has healthy teeth. Regular checks for tartar, plaque and gum inflammation are important and, like in humans, a sign that something is wrong. Teeth and bones, but can also be strengthened in old age.
If your old friend has tartar and plaque, you should remove it, because it is not only unsightly, but also very harmful to your teeth and your health. You can easily remove tartar from your dog yourself, without a veterinarian and without anesthesia. For this we have WHITE dental developed.
Old dogs also often have bad breath and gum infections. You can also counteract this yourself with our FRESH become active.
The fur and the skin - the metabolism
Since the metabolism also changes with age and certain nutrients in dog food can no longer be metabolized sufficiently, this often affects the coat quality. The skin becomes scaly, itching often occurs, inflamed skin (hot spots) sometimes appear and the coat becomes dull and greasy. But you can also become active with our products. And then there are the old joints...
The old bones and joints
In addition to the health problems already mentioned, joint problems are among the most common signs of aging in dogs. Osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism, hip dysplasia (HD) and other joint diseases with typical signs of wear and tear torment older dogs just as much as older people. They impede the animals' ability to move, cause pain and thus noticeably inhibit their ability to move and enjoy life. And here, too, you can do something for your dog with our products.
The immune system
Everything in the dog's organism now works a little more slowly and the immune system is no longer what it used to be. But that is exactly what is important now, because the older dog's organism needs a particularly strong immune system, since an infection, for example, can put double strain on the already weakened dog's body. A well-functioning immune system is one of the most important pillars for aging healthily. Our products also support your old W