Finally vacation! Finally time to unwind and simply forget about worries and problems! Pack your bags and off you go – but stop! What about the dog? After all, you want to know that your four-legged friend is in good hands during the holiday season. However, this is not always easy, especially with dogs, because they are known to feel like they are with their pack – i.e. with you! – the most comfortable and often suffer greatly from the separation from the family. So what options do you have to make the holiday season pleasant for you and your dog? We explain this in the following article.
Care options during the vacation period
Fortunately, word has finally gotten around that you shouldn’t just tie your dog up at the nearest motorway rest stop on the way to your holiday paradise: Even if there are still irresponsible pet owners who simply abandon their animals at the start of their holiday trip, Fortunately, the numbers have been falling steadily for several years – after all, a pet is not a disposable commodity!
It is particularly pleasant for dog owners when friendly friends are willing to take their four-legged friend with them during the holiday season. Ideally, the dog already knows its foster family and feels less alone – and you as the owner know that your pet will be well looked after.
If you don’t have any suitable acquaintances, you can also ask at the local animal shelter. Many public animal protection facilities offer holiday care for relatively little money – however, here the dog is among strangers and many loving pet owners are reluctant to leave their pet behind in the impersonal animal shelter atmosphere.
Things are more elegant in animal boarding houses and pet hotels. However, the costs for the owners are correspondingly higher – and it remains to be remembered that despite the upscale atmosphere, your dog is still among strangers, even if they may be able to spend more time than animal shelter employees.
The German Animal Welfare Association also offers The campaign “If you take my animal, I’ll take your animal” has been successfully running for many years, coordinating potential private care centers. The aim is to create as many holiday places as possible in order to further reduce the number of abandoned animals.
Go traveling with your dog
In fact, there are many different ways to properly care for a dog during the holiday season. However, the dog will always prefer to be allowed to accompany you. Because the pack animal dog is happiest when it is with its family.
And there is actually little that speaks against taking a dog with you when traveling. If he is well behaved, vaccinated and healthy, he will definitely enjoy his time just as much as you do. When choosing your travel destination, however, you should consider whether it is also suitable for dogs. Southern countries, whose cities often have large packs of semi-wild street dogs, can pose a risk to the health of a well-behaved domestic dog – both through unavoidable territorial battles, as well as through illness and much more. The cruise ship or the metropolis with a population of millions probably don’t seem to be ideal travel destinations for a holiday with a dog.
You should also think about the journey in advance: On the plane, for example, the dog has to travel separately from you in a special travel box and, depending on its size, also in a transport space. While this is absolutely no problem for some animals, others panic and suffer greatly from the travel conditions. Most dog owners therefore prefer to travel by car and this is actually the most pleasant way to travel for most dogs. However, it should be borne in mind that, especially in traffic jams, long journeys and waiting times at border crossings, pee and drink breaks are necessary not only for people, but of course also for dogs. Please also make sure that your four-legged friend is not blown directly by the air conditioning. Because just like with people, this can lead to dogs catching a cold, which can ruin the whole vacation.
Fun for dogs and people
The design of the holiday should also take your dog’s needs into account. For example, if you want to lie on the beach every day and bask in the sun, your dog probably won’t have much fun on vacation. Even a purely cultural holiday is not necessarily suitable if you have a four-legged companionr brings with you – after all, animals are usually not allowed in museums and sights. In such a case, your dog will probably get more out of it if he spends his vacation time with nice friends back home…
The ideal destination for a holiday with a dog is a destination that offers a lot of nature and in which many activities can take place outdoors and together with the dog. Many holiday regions, such as the Harz or the North Sea, have now adapted to the increasing number of four-legged guests and are not only increasingly offering accommodation that allows dogs, but also many leisure activities that dogs can easily accompany you to. A long hike through the foothills or a day at the beach is more fun on vacation with a dog than without!
What do you have to take with you?
If you’re going far away with your dog, there are a few other things you need to consider. For example, when traveling outside the country’s borders, you should consider that there may be other entry requirements apply, not to mention the local regulations. Find out in advance whether, for example, there is a muzzle requirement for certain breeds or what regulations you have to observe for the daily “poop” – in some countries there are severe penalties if it is left on the side of the road.
Here is a checklist for vacationing with a dog:
- Vaccination certificate
- Border papers or EU pet passport
- Liability insurance data (insurance number, address, telephone number)
- Medicines for motion sickness, diarrhea (charcoal tablets are best), but also for chronic illnesses (if any)
- Leash, possibly muzzle
- Poop bags and scoops
- Food and treats for the whole holiday and matching bowl
- Drinking water on the go
- Brushes and hair care supplies
- If possible, the familiar sleeping basket, but at least a dog blanket that smells like home
- If the dog likes to go into the water: A dog towel
And another tip: Put an address tag on the dog’s collar – if he gets lost on vacation, he may not be able to find his way around. Be sure to include a cell phone number where you can be reached during your vacation, as well as the address of the holiday accommodation and home address.
If you are willing to adapt the vacation to the needs of the dog, you can have a nice and pleasant vacation together with the dog!

Every day we experience the wonders of nature with our dogs. This inspiration is the basis for our lives and our products. In our magazine we share with you our passion for these wonderful animals. Visit our socials and become part of the DOG FIT community.
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