Every dog needs specific nutrients for long-term health, which they must regularly consume in sufficient doses through their food. Each of these nutrients has a very specific and sometimes even multiple tasks in the animal’s body and if over time there is an undersupply of a particular nutrient, this often results in a serious health risk for the dog. But which nutrients does a dog need and what are they used for?
Dogs need a lot of protein
One of the main nutrients for dogs is protein, which are special amino acids that are used to generate energy and are also essential for cell formation. The actual need for protein cannot generally be generalized and depends on body size and also on race. If there is an undersupply of protein, this can cause, for example, significant problems with muscle formation, growth disorders, reduced reproductive capacity and serious liver problems. The main sources of protein for dogs are the meat in dog food as well as vegetable protein sources.
Carbohydrates are also important
The second main nutrient for dogs is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a combination of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and are generally used for quick energy production and sometimes also for cell metabolism. Even when it comes to carbohydrates, no general statement can be made regarding daily requirements. The consequences of an undersupply of carbohydrates are usually reflected in a reduced energy level, weight loss and digestive problems due to a lack of fiber. The dog’s main sources of carbohydrates are a variety of vegetables, amaranth or millet, which should not be missing from any dog food.
Fats provide energy
The various fats in dog food are undoubtedly the main suppliers of daily energy requirements. Furthermore, certain fats are required to be able to dissolve and utilize the fat-soluble vitamins in the food and the animals’ metabolism also depends on an adequate supply of fat. If there is an undersupply of fats, a dog’s energy level can drop significantly and even metabolic disorders are not uncommon. Skin diseases, an undersupply of fat-soluble vitamins, reduced immune performance and impaired heat regulation are some of the consequences of an undersupply of fat. A dog also gets its fat from the meat contained in its diet as well as from vegetable oils that may be added to the dog food or an Omega 3-6-9 additive from fish oil. You can find a recommended product here.< /p>
Vitamins and minerals
Vitamins and minerals also play an important role in a dog’s health and, above all, the essential vitamins and minerals must be given to the animal through dog food. Basically, the various vitamins and minerals each have a very special property and task in the animal’s body and if there is a long-term undersupply of just one of these important nutrients, this can lead to significant health risks depending on the role of this vitamin or mineral. The essential vitamins and minerals that the dog’s body cannot produce independently must therefore be included in the optimal dosage in the dog’s daily food. Vitamins A, C, B, the E vitamins and the minerals calcium, magnesium and iron are particularly important. For the supply of high-quality B vitamins, we recommend the DOG FIT by PreThis® VITAMIN B complex.

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